Treatment from CGHS Empanelled Hospitals.

   As per the existing guidelines, a CGHS beneficiary is required to obtain permission from his administrative Department / Office or CMO in charge (in case of pensioner beneficiary) to avail medical treatment in a CGHS empanelled private hospital. However, in case of emergency he can go to any hospital whether empanelled or not, to avail medical treatment. This provision is necessary to ensure proper medical treatment of a CGHS beneficiary in consultation with the Government specialists. This is also a measure of ‘checks and balances’ to ensure financial propriety and optimum utilization of public money.

   This Ministry has been receiving representations from the individuals; Pensioners Associations etc. to allow the CGHS beneficiaries to take treatment from the CGHS empanelled private hospitals without obtaining the requisite permission. However, their requests have not been acceded to as the present referral system is considered necessary in the interest of the beneficiaries and it is also necessary as a check and balance measure to ensure financial propriety.

Dental Clinics in CGHS Dispensaries

   The dental services in CGHS Delhi have been outsourced in 13 Wellness centres (5 under Central Zone and 8 under South Zone) for 22 dental procedures. The location wise details are at Annexure-A.

   The details of payments made to the service provider in respect of these clinics from the starting of the services till July, 2013 are at Annexure-B.

   No specific complaint has been reported about irregularities committed by the dental clinics in connivance of CGHS officials. However, deficiency in services has been reported from the beneficiaries. An Inspection Committee has been constituted for regular inspection of the dental units to ensure proper delivery of services as per the terms and conditions of the agreement. 

Min. of. Railways: Introduction of Mechatronics Trade at DLW, Varanasi.


RBE No.82/2013

No.E (MPP)2013/1/45

New Delhi, dated 13/08/2013

General Manager

Sub : Introduction of Mechatronics Trade at DLW, Varanasi.

   DLW vide their letter No.CME/Plant/Mechatronics Trade dated 02/06/2011, have proposed introduction of "Mechatronics” trade in the Technician category. The matter has been considered by Board and it has been decided that a separate cadre of “Mechatronics” trade be created by transferring the existing vacancies of Direct Recruitment quota which is normally 25% of the total vacancies of Technicians in the trades of Mechanical Fitter, Electrician and Motor Mechanics trades in Maintenance Department of DLW. DLW should also ensure that under no circumstances, higher grade posts are transferred and in no case the promotional prospects of the existing staff should be jeopardized.