Min of Labour & Employment: Payment of Minimum Wages

   Under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (M W Act) both the Central and State Governments are the appropriate Governments to fix and revise the minimum wages in the scheduled employments under their respective jurisdiction.

   Rates fixed in the Central sphere are applicable to establishments under Central Government/CPSUs in various States including Delhi. A copy of the Minimum rates of wages applicable in different scheduled employments under Central Sphere w.e.f.1.4.2013 is enclosed(Annexure-I).
   To compensate the effect of soaring prices, the concept of Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) was introduced on the basis of recommendations of the Labour Ministers’ Conference held in 1988. Accordingly, VDA is revised periodically twice a year effective on April and October.
   Workers under various Delhi Government institutions/corporations fall under the jurisdiction of Labour Department, NCT of Delhi. The Ministry of Labour and Employment has not received any complaint for non-payment of minimum wages, insurance facilities, health facilities etc. in Delhi Government.

Medical Services in Armed Forces

   Some specialist doctors leave Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) prematurely. However, the attrition level of specialist doctors is showing a declining trend from 2010 onwards. The attrition level of specialists and super specialists in AFMS which was 2.9% in 2010 declined to 1.8% in 2011 and 1.7% in 2012.

   For retaining specialist doctors additional marks are awarded for professional qualifications while considering them for promotions by the concerned Promotion Boards. In addition they are retained in specialty related appointments as far as possible.

Expected Dearness allowance from July 2013.

   It is now confirmed that the rate of Dearness Allowance from July 2013 will be increased by 10% according to the AICPIN average for the past twelve months starting from July 2012 to June 2013.The Consumer Price Index Number for the month of June 2013 is released on 31st July 2013 by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment  in its Official site.

   All the central government employees will not be interested to know about the CPI numbers if it has no role in the calculation to obtain the rate of dearness allowance paid to central government employees. Since the dearness allowance is paid to central government employees to compensate the price rise, the AICPI numbers is the only factor to measure the increase in the prices of essential commodities. So the AICPIN for Industrial Workers is obviously inevitable part of the formula prescribed for calculating the rate of dearness allowance to be paid to central government employees.

   It is not only for central government employees, but all the state government employees have also been paid the same rate of dearness allowance. Once it is declared by the central government, all the state governments have no other go than to fallow it. That is why the AICPIN for Industrial workers has been watched keenly by all the central Government Employees and state government employees every month.