Guidelines on Concessional Treatment of SC/ST Patients.

   Guidelines on Concessional Treatment of SC/ST Patients

   Health is a State subject and it is primarily the responsibility of the State Government to issue any guidelines for providing treatment to patients including Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) patients in private and Government aided hospitals and medical institutions.

   However, in so far as the three Central Government Hospitals in Delhi namely Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals are concerned, treatment is provided free of cost to all patients including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe patients.

    However, some charges are levied for specialized investigations which are also waived off for poor/deserving patients.

   This information was given by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

FINAL MODALITIES for Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of Unions/Federations on India Railways.


SBEC/Union Elec.2012/Modalities/1

New Delhi 18.03.13

Chief Personnel Officers
All Open line Railways and Metro Kolkatta

Sub: FINAL MODALITIES for Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of Unions/Federations on India Railways

   Railway Board vide order no. ERB-I/2012/23/49 dated 09.11.12 has constituted a Committee as follows, to supervise and conduct Secret Ballot Elections for granting recognition to unions and federations on Indian Railways:

   Chairman: Shri R.R.Jaruhar- Member Engineering (Retd) Railway Board

   Member: Shri A. K. Nigam- Adviser Industrial Relations (Retd) Railway Board

   Member Secretary: Shri Rajiv Kishore- Executive Director/ERP, Railway Board.

   2. The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows:

   i) To review the modalities framed by the earlier Committee for the elections held in November 2007/frame modalities to conduct next Secret Ballot Elections to recognise Unions;

   ii) To form code of conduct/discipline for the elections on the lines of Code of Discipline of Ministry of Labour suitable for Indian Railways;

   iii) To function as a nodal body for conducting and supervising the secret ballot:

   iv) To suggest the mechanism for arbitration on disputes arising out of elections; and

   v) Recognition of Federation(s) at Board’s level.

   3. Further vide communication no. 2012/E(LR)III/LR/Misc/5(SB)-Pt. dated 08.03.13, Railway Board has advised that “instructions in compliance with courts orders dated 03.03.2010 in WP (C) No. 26/2008 and order dated 30.01.2012 in LPA no 550.2010 of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi which has been upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in their order dated 22.01.13 in Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) No. 23523/2012, will follow separately”.

   4. The Committee has uploaded DRAFT MODALITIES on the website on 11.03.13, calling for suggestions/views upto 5.30 pm on 15.03.13. The Committee received large number of suggestions through email and letters from various stake holders and unions from all over the Indian Railways.

   5. On the basis of these suggestions, Railway Board advice dated 08.03.13 and specific Terms of Reference assigned to the Committee, the Committee has framed the following FINAL MODALITIES which are enclosed for information of all concerned. The FINAL MODALITIES have been uploaded on the official website of Railway Board, under the webpage titled “Secret Ballot Elections Committee”

   6. It is requested that the enclosed Notice may be put up at prominent Notice Boards so that all concerned may be able to access the FINAL MODALITIES on the website

   7. Hindi version shall follow.

Executive Director/ERP
& Member Secretary, Secret Ballot Election Committee.

More Details Click here.....

Central Minister in favour of seventh pay commission Ajay Maken backs cry for seventh pay panel

Central Minister in favour of seventh pay commission
Ajay Maken backs cry for seventh pay panel

   New Delhi : With a little over a year to go before the next general election, the demand for a Seventh Pay Commission has started to gather momentum. Union housing and urban poverty alleviation minister Ajay Maken has taken the lead in endorsing the Central government employees' request for setting up of the new pay panel, citing the erosion of real wages due to high inflation since implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission's recommendations.

   In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Manmohon Singh, Maken underlined how every pay panel since the Second Pay Commission, barring the Sixth Pay Commission, were set up in the third year of the decade. "We are again in the third year of the ongoing decade and Central government employees are justifiably looking forward to the Seventh Pay Commission," he said.

   Recalling that it was under Singh that the last pay panel was set up in 2005, after the NDA government failed to do so in 2003, Maken, in the communication dated March 14, requested that a decision be "taken on priority" for constitution of the Seventh Pay Commission. A notification for constitution of the 7th Central Pay Commission is the need of the hour, which is bound to have bearing upon about 20 million employees," he said.

   Maken concluded by emphasizing that setting up of the new pay panel was in "larger interest of government employees as well as the (Congress) party".

Courtesy: The Times of India