SMS Service for Different Kinds of Train Related Enquiries on “139-Rail Sampark”

   “139-Rail Sampark”, the national enquiry for Indian Railways has been in operation for around 5 years now.  The services on this number i.e. 139 handles enquiries pertaining to PNR Status, Current Train running position, Accommodation availability and Fare Enquiry.

   Apart from voice enquiry on IVRS, the above mentioned services are also available through SMS. Passenger can get the desired information by sending SMS to 139 in the following format.

   The details of SMSs services available and the format are as under:

1.      For ticket status Enquiry:

SMS “PNR <10 Digit PNR Number>
For example: PNR 4341568666

2.      For Train Arrival/Departure Enquiry:

SMS “AD <Train number> <STD code of Station>”
For example: AD 12012 011

3.      For Accommodation  availability:

SMS “SEAT <Train number> <DOJ**ddmmyy> <Station from: STD code> <station to: STD code> <class> <Quota>***

For example SEAT 12561 010712 0542 0571 SL G

4.      Fare enquiry

SMS “FARE <Train number> < DOJ**ddmmyy> <Station from: STD code> <station to: STD code> <class> <Quota>***
For Example: FARE 12561 010712 0542 0571 SL G

5.      Time table:

SMS “TIME <train number>
For example: TIME 12561

6.      Spot/  Locate train:

SMS “SPOT <train number> or LOCATE <train number>
For example: SPOT 12561 or LOCATE 12561

7.      Train Name/Number:

SMS “TN <train number> or SMS “TN <train name>
For Example TN 12724 or TN AP EXPRESS

       8.   Getting all syntaxes
   To get the above all mentioned  syntaxes, SMS HELP or RAIL  to 139
Note: Quota is optional field. For example, please enter G for general, CK for tatkal

          For CLASS field, please enter 1A for First AC, 2A for Second AC, 3A for third AC, SL for Sleeper, CC for AC Chair Car, 2S for Second Sitting    
The service is also available on USSD for Reliance, Uninor, Docomo and Vodafone Telephone Service Providers.  Just dial *139# to avail the USSD facility for enquiry of PNR, Arrival/Departure etc.


Filling up of posts in para-medical categories In Group ‘C’ on contract basis.


No E(NG)II/2005/RC4/SC/2.

New Delhi, Dated: 05.06.2012.

General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs.

Sub:- Filling up of posts in para-medical categories In Group ‘C’ on contract basis.

   In view of non-availability of regular staff as yet and with a view to avoid disruption of medical facilities, It has been decided by Board to extend the scheme beyond 30.06.2012 for filling up of posts in para-medical categories in Group ‘C’ on contract basis till 30.6.2013, on the same terms and conditions, as stipulated vide Board’s letter of even number dated 01.02.2010. It must be ensured that reasonable gap is invariably given between successive contracts. Effort may also be made to appoint fresh candidates for the above contract. The extension will be subject to discharge of contractual staff immediately on joining of regularly selected candidates from RRBs.

   2. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).

(Harsha Dass)
Jt. Director,Estt(N)II
Railway Board.


Age relaxation to the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.


RBE No.70/2012.

No. E (NG)-II/95/RR-1/26.

New Delhi, Dt.: 08.06.2012.

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/ALD, Metro Railway/Kolkata;
CAO/MTP/Chennai, Mumbai;
CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi;
Chairmen/All Railway Recruitment Boards;
Director General, RDSO/Lucknow & RSC/Vadodra;
Director, IRISET/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik &
IRIM&EE/Jamalpur; DFCCIL/New Delhi and Managing Director/Konkan
Railway Corporation Ltd.

Sub:- Age relaxation to the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

   Kindly refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 22.1.2010 (RBE No. 19/2010) forwarding therewith a copy of the notification No.15012/7/1991-Estt. (D) dated 23.11.2009 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) on the subject quoted above.

   Department of Personnel & Training have issued a further notification No. 15012/6/2011-Estt.(D) dated 30.12.2011, extending the relaxation of age limit in favour of the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir for appointment to Central Civil Services and posts, recruitment to which are made through UPSC or SSC or otherwise by the Central Government for a further period of two years beyond 31.12.2011 i.e. upto 31.12.2013.

   Please acknowledge receipt.

   (Hindi version will follow)

(Harsha Dass)
Jt. Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.
