MACP-An Unsettled Issue Of Sixth Pay Commission Recommendation.

   MACP is said to be the abbreviation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme, but many central government employees feel that it is Meaningless Assured Career Progression Scheme. The main objective of introducing ACP scheme was to grant financial benefits for the govt servants, those who are not getting promotions due to lack of promotional avenues. Before the introduction of ACP scheme in 1999, many central government employees retired from service without getting even single promotion in some departments. The worst part of this story is, apart from not getting promotion, they were not even been granted annual increment for many years until their retirement, as they reached the maximum of their Pay Scale. Working without any promotion and increment until the retirement is pathetic. It was the prevailing situation till the date of introducing ACP scheme.

Financial up gradation under ACP Scheme

   Upon introduction of ACP scheme, central government employees were granted two financial up gradation on the completion of 12 years and 24 years of regular service respectively in the same post. According to the ACP Scheme, the central government employees were to be granted next higher pay scale of their Promotional Hierarchy as financial up gradation under ACP Scheme. So the pay equalant to the promotional post had been ensured under ACP scheme for the government servants after completion of 12 and 24 years of regular service if they were not granted regular promotion. Many central government employees were benefited by this scheme where there were no promotional avenues available for them.

Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement on Rank Pay Case

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

Implementation of Supreme Court Judgement on Rank Pay Case

   In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 04.09.2012 which dealt with the rank pay matter, the Government has issued an order on 27.12.2012 for implementing the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

   2840 serving officers and 33814 retired officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been paid a total amount of Rs.347 crores as their admissible dues. Additionally, Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) in respect of 12129 Army officers, 2187 Navy officers and 5557 Air Force officers have been revised.

Special compensation for families of defence martyrs



ANSWERED ON-11.12.2013

Special compensation for families of defence martyrs


   (a) the cadre-wise and year-wise number of defence personnel who lost their lives during various operations during the last three years;