DA for Central Government Employees.

   The Union Cabinet Yesterday approved to release additional installment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from 01.07.2012, representing an increase of 7 per cent over the existing rate of 65 per cent of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise.

   The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.

Rs.2300 crore approved to meet the demands of Ex-servicemen pensioners.

   The Union Cabinet has approved the recommendations of the Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary for benefits to ex-servicemen on four issues.   The financial implications of the improvements made as per the Cabinet decision on the four items are broadly estimated at Rs.2300 crore per annum.  The details are as follows:
I.             One Rank One Pension:
   On One Rank One Pension, the demand of the Defence Forces and Ex-Servicemen Associations is that uniform pension be paid to the Defence Forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service irrespective of their date of retirement and any future enhancement in the rates of pension be automatically passed on to the past pensioners.
            The difference in the pension of present and past pensioners in the same rank occurs on account of the number of increments earned by the defence personnel in that rank.  There is also a difference between the pension of pre 1.1.06 and post 1.1.06 retirees belonging to a particular rank.  The UPA Government on two previous occasions has taken decisions to narrow the gap between the present and past pensioners, particularly those belonging to the ranks of JCOs and Other Ranks.

Appointment of Compassionate grounds - clarifications — regarding.


No. E(NG)II/1998/RC-1/64

RBE No.102/2012
New Delhi, dated 14.09.2012

The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.

Sub: Appointment of Compassionate grounds - clarifications — regarding.

   Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letters No. E(NG)II/2009/RR-1/10/Pt dated 09.12.2010 and No. E(NG)II/2011/RR-1/11/ dated 09.12.2011 (RBE No.166/2011) regarding educational qualification for recruitment in Pay Band-I of Rs. 5,200-20,200 having Grade Pay of  Rs.1800/- and No.E(NG)II/2011/RC-1/NE/21 dated 06.02.2012 extending the appilcablilty of (RBE No.166/2011) to widows.