Authorised Medical Attendant for KVS & their employee of Gandhi Nagar(Gujarat)for the periods (01-04-12 to 31-03-13)


F.11029/01/2011-KVS (HQ) / Admn.II
Dated : 11.04.2012

   With reference to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sarngathan Regional Office letter No. 12040/KVS/RO AHMD, dated 30.01.2012, the approval of the AddI. Commissioner (Admn), Kendriva Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) is accorded for appointment of the following doctors as Authorised Medical Attendants (AMAs) for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and the Kendriya Vidyalaya employees and members of their families at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) for the period 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2013 in terms of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 :-

S.No. Name of Doctors Residential / Address
i Dr.Jayesh Dasharthlal Shah, MD (MED) Plot No.904/1, Sec No.7/C, Gandhinagar.
ii Dr.Rita Shah M, MS(Ortho) Plot No.911/1, Sec No.2/C, Near GH-2, Gandhinagar.
iii Dr.Vasant P. Patel, MBBS Plot No.904/1, Sec No.7/C, Gandhinagar.
iv Dr.K.V.Mehta, MBBS Plot No.463/1, Sec No.6/A, Gandhinagar.
v Dr.Govindlal Ishwarlal Shah, MD(Ped) Plot No.1030/1, Sec -2, Gandhinagar.
vi Dr.J.B.Prajapati, M.S. Plot No.247/1, Sec -7/C, Gandhinagar.
vii Dr.R.B.Prajapti, MBBS Plot No.642, Vastunirman Society, Sec No.22, Ta & Dist. Gandhinagar.
viii Dr.Paresh Panchal, BHMS Plot No.820/1, Sec 2/C, Ta & Dist. Gandhinagar.

   The employee should opt for maximum two AMAS in terms of G.I., M.H. & F.P., O.M. No. S. 14025/113/79-MS, dated the 28th May. 1982 and C. & A. G.. Cir. No. 445-Audit/ 17/87/III-90 (86), dated the 10th August. 1990 as incorporated in CS (MA) Rules, 1944.
   2. The aforementioned appointment of the Doctors is subject to the following conditions:
   (i) That he / she will charge consultation and injection fee at the rates prescribed under the Central Services (Medical Attendance), Rules. 1944.
   (ii) That he/she will be required to follow strictly the rules under the said Rules and orders issued from lime to time there under.
   (iii) That his/her appointment could be terminated even before the expiry of his/her term without assigning any reasons or giving any notice.
(Rujender Kumar Shut-ma)
 Assistant Commissioner (Admn)

Updated/Final Common Seniority List of PS grade of CSSS for the Select List Year upto 2005 as on 1.7.2010 -reg.

No. 3/1/2012-CS-II(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110003,
Dated the 25th May, 2012.


Subject: - Updated/Final Common Seniority List of PS grade of CSSS for the Select List Year upto 2005 as on 1.7.2010 -reg.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 20.01.2012 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the cadre units were requested to report any factual inaccuracies to this Department. Common Seniority List of PS grade upto Select List Year 2004 have been updated. Common Seniority List of PS Grade for the Select List Year 2005 has been prepared on the basis of (i) PSs of CSSS appointed against Seniority Quota for the Select List Year 2005 and (ii) PSs of CSSS appointed on the basis of the results of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2005 conducted by the UPSC.

   2. Some of the cadre units have forwarded representations which relate to corrections regarding the date of regular appointment, date of birth and order of seniority in the grade of PS. All the representations have been examined and necessary corrections have been carried out.

   3. Accordingly, Common Seniority List of CSSS for the Select List Year upto 2004 as on 1.7.2010 and final Common Seniority List of PS Grade of CSSS for Select List Year 2005 have been updated/finalized. The CSL may be downloaded from the website of this Department i.e.
Central Sectt
Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS)
Common Seniority List
Steno A & B.

   4. It may be noted that the above seniority list has been prepared as on 01.07.2010, therefore the names of the officers who have been promoted as PPS on regular basis vide this Department’ s OM dated 20.03.2012 also figure in the seniority list.

(Kiran Vasudeva)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

To View the Annexure Click here.....

Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC - Merger of grades - Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011.

RB/Estt. No.65/2012


No. E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15

New Delhi , Dated 23.05.2012.

The General Managers, (P)
All Indian Railways & PUs.
(As per standard list)

Sub :- Implementation of Recommendations of 6th CPC - Merger of grades - Revised Classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2011.

   Ref : Board's letters of even no dated 03.09.2009 and 21.11.2011 on the above subject.

   As the Railways are aware that in terms of instructions issued vide this Ministry's letters of even number dated 03.09.2009 and 07.06.2010 on the above subject, scheme for filling up of vacancies as may arise up to 31.08.2009 & 31.12.2011 respectively were circulated to the Railways. Further vide letter of even number dated 21.11.2011, the existing methodology to fill up the promotional vacancies has been extended till 31.12.2012 and vide para 2.1 of the letter ibid, contents reflected in para 2.3 of Board's letter of even number dated 03.09.2009 were deleted.

   2. On a reference from both the Federations, the matter was reconsidered by this Ministry and it has been decided to withdraw the para 2.1 of Board's letter of even number dated 21.11.2011, thereby restoring para 2.3 of Board's letter dated 03.09.2009. It is further advised that the Railways may fill the promotional vacancies as may arise up to 31.12.2012 keeping in view para 2.3 of letter dated 03.09.2009, if not assessed otherwise. Other stipulation made in the letter ibid shall hold good till further orders.

   Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

   Hindi version will follow.

(R.S. Khanna)
Joint Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
