Issue of uniform and other accessories to Trackmen, Keymen, Mates, Patrolmen, Gatemen and Trollymen- Supply of Luminescent vests (Safety Jacket)- specification regarding.

RBE No. 123/2012


No. E(W)2006/UN-1/1

New Delhi, dated 01-11-2012.

The General Managers
All Zonal Railways
& Production Units etc.

(Uniform Circular No. 08 of 2012)

Sub:- Issue of uniform and other accessories to Trackmen, Keymen, Mates, Patrolmen, Gatemen and Trollymen- Supply of Luminescent vests (safety Jacket)- specification regarding.

Ref:- (i) E(W)95/UN-1/19 dated 28-08-2003.
         (ii) E(W)95/UN-1/19 dated 27-12-2005.

   Further to Board’s Order of even no, dated 16-02-2009, this is to inform that Safety Jackets should be procured as per BIS specification i.e. IS-15809:2008 which is the Indian Standard on High Visibility Warning Clothes.

Award of cash incentive to the Government employees who have rendered 25 years of unblemished service - Orders Issued.


Award of cash incentive to the Government employees who have rendered 25 years of unblemished service - Orders Issued.



Iypasi, 22. 
Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2043.

1.  G.O.Ms.No.13, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 04-01-1996.
2.  SB Order No.22 / 2011, letter No.113-01 / 2011-SB dated: 24-11-2011,  the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India.


    In the Government Order read above, orders have been issued to the effect that the Government employees who have completed 25 years of unblemished service under the State Government shall be awarded with an Indira Vikas Patra in the denomination of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) with an initial value of Rs.500/-(Rupees five hundred only).  Subsequently, Kisan Vikas Patra was issued in lieu of Indira Vikas Patra.

Festival Advance - Enhancement of advance - orders issued - Extended to State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards - Regarding.

Finance (BPE) Department,
Chennai — 600 009

Letter No. 61925/Fin(BPE)/2012 dated 7.11.2012

Thiru. S.Krishnan, I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government (Expenditure)

The Chief Executive Officers of all
State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards.

Sin Madam,

Sub: Festival Advance - Enhancement of advance - orders issued - Extended to State Public Sector Undertakings / Statutory Boards - Regarding.

Ref: G.O.Ms.No. 388 Finance (Salaries) Dept. dt. 6.11.2012